A blazing 2023 for
an Epic 2024 ahead!
Let's take a rollercoaster ride summarizing the amazing year that was 2023! And take a sneak peek at 2024 - think of it as a trailer for a thrilling sequel!
Shoutout to our superstar squad of partners, investors, advisors, and supporters globally - you're the real heroes!
Our finest year to date!
Starting a list of global partnerships to bring our technologies to women on a global scale.
llustrous health leaders decided to join our projects, sharing the knowledge and intention to bridge the equality gap in early cancer detection.
Tens of thousands of women received iBreastExams in LATAM!
We made early detection a reality for women in the LATAM region with the most relevant health partners, foundations and government enterprises.
The Best Is Yet to Come!
Year 2024 is off to a strong start! We stand on the brink of an extraordinary period of growth, bolstered by our exceptional team, our dynamic range of products, and an ever-expanding network of global partnerships spanning product development, marketing, sales, and distribution.
We are poised to clinch major purchase orders in early 2024, matching the total revenue of the entire year of 2023! and are projecting 3x revenue growth once again!
We plan to launch new & exciting products soon
and to add exciting features to our existing portfolio!
Up Next: cervAIcal 2.0!
Ready to launch! A game changer in the field of Cervical Cancer will be introduced by us in the following months. A fully usable portable colposcope for doctors around the world.
Launching soon: OrCA
A powerful mobile tool integrated with iBreastExam and cervAIcal to deliver digital Oral Cancer Assessment in a single visit, with the potential to integrate AI and Big Data.
International Training and Growth
We are Training thousands of health professionals in the use of iBreastExam and cervAIcal. This will enable healthcare workers and organizations to serve millions of women globally.
Past Newsletters
Building a trail of global impact and partnerships
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